Combined oral contraceptive pills have been around as a suitable contraceptive method for years now. Earlier it was only available for females. But, extensive modern research has improved hormonal pills, and now we have these pills for both males and females. Also, the overall performance increased in many sectors. But, there are still discussions about the deadly side effects of these pills.
Here in this article, we will discuss the mechanism of action of hormonal oral contraceptive pills and the science behind these side effects so you can make the correct choice.
Varieties of oral contraceptive pills
We already know there are male oral pills and female hormonal contraceptive pills. These female pills can be a combination of estrogen and progesterone, only progesterone, emergency pills, mini-pills, and placebo pills. We will discuss each pill with its pros and cons now.
Mechanism of action
More or less, all these hormonal pills have two common mechanisms of action. Firstly, these pills will thicken the outer zone of the ovum so the sperms can not penetrate it effectively. We all know, if there is no sperm and ovum reaction, there will be no pregnancies. Also, when someone uses the combined oral contraceptive pills, slowly, it will alter the genital path and make it hostile for the sperms.
So, sperms lose their motility and viability faster if the female partner takes OCP for a long time. It is helpful to prevent pregnancies successfully but very tough to reverse when you want a pregnancy.
Combined pill
Combined oral contraceptive pills have both the synthetic derivatives of estrogen and progesterone. High estrogen levels will contract the uterus Cyclically to prevent implantation, and progesterone will alter the uterus’s physiological and biochemical environment to prevent pregnancies. Also, these pills tend to make your menstrual cycle regular and painless. So, if you are looking for a long-term birth spacing method with hormonal regulation, then combined OCP Is a great option.
Cons of OCP
Years of research show that the combined OCP has much higher rates of future complications than any other contraceptive method. Weight gain is the immediate side effect of it. These pills tend to generate more adipose tissue or fat and deposit it in muscles, abdominal area, and breast. Also, females complain of frequent and irregular vaginal bleeding due to the hormonal influence of these pills.
Continuing the pills
Combined Oral contraceptive pills come in twenty-eight pill packs to last for a month. So, it is easy to keep track of your cycle with these pills. Usually, there are twenty-one white pills for hormonal control and seven red-colored iron pills for hormone-free days. You will mostly menstruate during the seven hormone-free days, and iron tablets will correct your blood loss during the bleeding times.
Success rate
Despite the backlogs, combined oral contraceptive pills have about a ninety-nine percent success rate if someone uses them according to the rules. You should start the pill from the first to fifth fag of your cycle and continue throughout the month. But, this can be very boring and tiresome, and people frequently miss the pills. But, once you break the hormonal cycle, make sure to take the missed pill as soon as you remember and use a barrier method for the next seven days to be safe.
Other complications
If you use combined oral contraceptive pills for a long time and have a previous history of hypertension and heart disease, it can be harmful. So, you sound consult your doctor before starting the OCP regimen to ensure it is a suitable contraceptive method for you.